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To Advance the kingdom of God and building communities for  the glory of Christ.




God’s Healing Holiness Christian Church is a Multi-Cultural church consisting of people of different nationalities. The vision is to establish and oversee a non-profit, multi-service center, which will provide an abundance of needed services to area residents.

Glory be to God! The first phase of our vision is completed!  Our beautiful new building which houses our glorious worship hall, a children’s nursery, and ministry offices is situated on 20.5 acres of land we acquired in Malabar.

There is much work to be done “in a changing world, with changing times and changing people” as we press forward to “present the Unchanging Christ”.

Join us in our vision to provide these services as we continue to grow:
• a convention center surrounded by campgrounds for retreats and summer camps
• a sanctuary to seat in excess of two thousand people
• a Bible College, sanctioned by the Theological Society
• a Medical Clinic staffed by volunteer physicians, nurses, internists, and medical students to provided affordable healthcare to the underprivileged and under-served
• affordable/free Day Care services to allow parents to seek employment and/or attend vocational/educational programs
• after school programs for school age children, including a tutorial-mentor program. These programs will assist young people with their homework, and provide them with the foundation for positive adult image. In exchange, parents would volunteer their services to other activities offered at the multi-service center.

Crime prevention program for Adolescence - Working with the criminal justice system to provide education on crime and punishment and how it can negatively impact the lives of our young people.
This program would also serve as a conduit to the criminal and family court for those adolescent who have been sentence to do community services as an alternative to incarceration. It will allow those who have passed through the system to become productive men and women in out society. Education as alternative verses incarceration.

“My son do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. Do not detest His corrections; for the lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom HE delights” (Proverbs 3:1-2, 11-12).

We are still in need of your support! To continue our vision we will need additional funding. Therefore, we solicit your financial assistance for our ongoing projects.




















                                              DECLARATION OF FAITH


 1. In one, God, the Creator of all things,eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.


 2. In the scriptures of the Old and New Testament as inspired of God and errant as the Word of God and the final authority of faith and conduct.


 3. In the deity of Jesus Christ; His virgin birth, His sinless humanity, His substitutionary death, His boldy resurrection, His ascension to Heaven and His person coming again.


4. That presently Christ is the Head of the Church, the Lord of the individual believer, and the High Priest over the House of God and the Advocate of the family of God.


5. That man was created in the image of God, that He sinned and thereby incurred physical and spiritual death which is separation from God. That Adam's sin is imputed to the whole race of mankind, and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature.


6. That everyone who reaches the state of mortal responsibility may claim the power of the Blood of Christ to cleanse us from sin. The experience of cleansing begins in the new birth. Example: conversion, initial sanctification.


7. That God has provided through Jesus Christ for a complete cleansing for the sin nautre in a crisis experience of entire sanctification. With this cleansing, the believer is filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered for Christian living and service.


8. That the motives and desires of the heart are continually perfected in progressive growth in Grace until  the end.


9. In the necessity of works following conversion showing gratitude  for God's Grace,demonstrating for the world God's transforming power.


10. In the imminent and pre-millennial return of Christ; first to receive His own unto Himself and later  set up His earthly Kingdom and to reign over redeemed Israel and all nations of the world.


11. In the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust; the eternal glorified state of believers in heaven and the eternal punishment in hell of all who reject Christ.


12. In the necessity for growth in Grace through Bible Study, prayer and witnessing.


13. In obedience in Christ's command to evangelize the world and teach all believers the Word of God.


14. In the baptism with the Holy Ghost subsequent of a clean heart.


15. In speaking with other tongues and interpretation as the Spirit gives utterance.


16. In water baptism by immersion and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.


17. Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.


18. In the Lord's Supper and washing of the saint's feet.


19. Holiness to be God's standard of  living for His people.




















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